The other day I had Jayden laying across my lap getting a back rub. He is a bit picky on how the job gets done. The shirt must be up and it can't be too hard or it can't be too soft. Well Heidi called me into the other room. As we our conversation was winding down, Jayden grabbed my hand and pulling me back to the rocking chair said, "Come on dad lets go finish rubbing my back" That seems to be a popular past time in our fam. Everyone wants their back rubbed, Everyone.
that is so cute !! Chantel laid down and wanted me to rub her back today he sounds like chantel it was the same story mom thats to hard thats to soft!!! crazy kids!! so cute!! love you guys shell
Do you ever get your back rubbed? Jay is sooo cute! Dallen pays the kids to rub his or after we say prayers before bed time he asks, "Who wants to rub my back?" of course they all want to because they don't want to go to bed!
Man, I cant believe how cute your kids are! Mark is the same, he is the official back rubber, and needs his back rubbed the most. I guess that's a dad's job! How darn cute!
At our house it is "soft tickles" that is the need. It can't be tickly tickles it has to be shirt up and gently touch the skin to tickle it softly. After the back they want the arms and the legs. It is pretty funny. Loved the cute pictures of your little ones.
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