Well Yesterday was a new milestone for our family. Haylee is the first kid to loose her first baby tooth. It had been loose for about a month. But she decided she was ready for a little visit from the tooth fairy. So we wiggled and wiggled. Then we decided to make up a game and really start to wiggle. The game was that Haylee was going to try and bite my finger. My role in the game was to try and touch the tooth. I would drag my finger across her tooth and wiggle it a bit. It was all fun and games till someone started to bleed. (not me) But to my suprise she wanted to keep playing as long as I could make her laugh between the painful "wiggles". (not too tough) So we played until the tooth was extremly loose. I tried to grab that little sucker but it was to slick. Plus I had just trimmed my nails. (not good planning) So I told her I wanted to wiggle her tooth with some pliers (she fell for it) So I got out the trusty dentist tools and did some wiggling. Then I got a good grip and let er' rip. She was pretty tough and went and told Heidi " mom, my tooth just flipped right out." It was fun. Oh yea, Jayden reassured me that when his tooth gets loose he'll just be tough and let me rip it out. We'll see. Oh yea one more thing. The stupid tooth fairy was not real sharp.. well we said he was running late. Before 6 this morning she came and woke us up and told us the tooth fairy forgot to come. I said he was probably busy but might come in a few minutes. Luckily he made it shortly there-after and she was able to cash in on a whoppin 25 cents. Pretty wild times.
oh Hailee!!you are so tough!!!! that is so cute!! you are growing up so fast!!! Jared that is hilarious!!!shell & linz
It is fun to loose your first tooth!! Trey still hasn't lost any and he is bummed because kids in his class are losing theirs! Very clever Jer on getting that tooth out!
When Austin lost his first tooth we forgot about the money and only had a $5.oo dollar bill and it was late at night so we couldn't get change so yea he got a whopin deal!
Haylee you are such a cutie! I sure wish you lived by me so you and Morgan could hang out! Love ya!
Jared: You are such a fun Daddy!
Hey, I think I fixed my blog so you can comment on it now.
love Jenni
You should try to tie a string to her tooth and shut the door next time. I remember you doing that to me...
I showed Conner that Hayley had lost her tooth and he said, "Yeah that's because she didn't brush her teeth and so the flies came and ate her tooth. I said yeah so you better not forget to brush your teeth.
I am so glad you made the tooth pulling an enjoyable experience. My dad pulled all my teeth with pliers. It was not an enjoyable experience.
p.s. I am glad the snowmen finally melted. Hailey is sure a cute little girl. gma
Our tooth fairy left coins not green backs. The kids thought they "got" more. You're a funny dad. I like your blog. bb
I never get 8 comments when I blog! Hayley you are the cutest Colorado girl I know. I hope when your daddy starts to loose his teeth you are as compassionate and caring as he is!! He will be in a wheel chair by then so you won't have any problem holding him down!!! grma bev
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