We were on our way to take Haylee to dance class when I came to the van hearing Jayden and Jaxon screaming. I rushed to see what was the matter. And they had told me a fly was on Jaxon's neck. I examined his neck and found a little stinger in it. I then saw the bee flying around still inside the van. After a lot of comotion we got the bee out of the van and the stinger removed from Jaxon's neck. After we dropped Haylee off we were on our way to Walmart, so we picked up some Cartoon Band Aids for Jaxon. I had told him he could have a Band Aide for his neck, where the Bee had stung him. By the time we got home, Jaxon had used almost every single band aide in the box. None of the band aids had made it to his bee sting on his neck. I should have just gotton some nice stickers. Jayden had nightmears about bees the next few days, and he wasn't even the one who got stung.
Jaxon, Aren't bandaides so fun, or is it that they just stick to your skin. Conner is constantly trying to find an ouie sp? so he can put a bandaide on .
Jaxon you are a cutie...don't you know those cute band aides are expensive!(smile)
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