We took the kids to grandpa's to gather up some sticks to go throw them in the creek wich runs a ways away from our house. They had a lot of fun and Jaxon only hit Hay in the head one time.

We were all having a great time. We threw sticks for a long time and had to make a second trip for more sticks. The ones you see in the pic are the second trip only.

We filled it up as fast as we could when all fo the sudden...

Jaxon fell in!!! Luckily dad was close by and pulled him out before he swallowed too much water. He was not liking the cold water and scary experience and kept repeating on the way home, "I fall in water and daddy got me" We feel blessed nothing too bad happened.
Poor little Jax! -LINZ
oh my gosh all those pictures are awesome! I love being able to see a little bit of your life. Thank you so much for sharing.
I love that you all play together! Cute kids!
I am going to report you for "child" endangerment. That is what they do now days. Isn't it? It is so good to be connected with the family in Colorado. Love ya gma
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