Thursday Night Jaxon woke up Coughing like crazy. Friday morning he was acting just fine, so I didn't take him to the doctor. Around 1:00 pm (nap time) He got really sick with the seal barking cough. I decided he really did need to see the Doctor. So I call up wanting an appointment. They didn't have any! They did give me an oppointment for Saturday morning. (This is a new thing for our little clinic, to open up saturday's) So I took the 9:00 opointment. Jaxon however continued to get worse. We almost took him to the Emergancy Room 3 times! One of the times, we were half way to the Hospital. I think the cold air he breathed going from the house to the car helped him breathe a little easier. Finally Saturday morning came and we were able to take him in. He got a shot of steriods. The Doctor also prescribed us some albutural and pulmicort. The Pulmicort was $142.00 (Walmarts cost) He could breathe a lot better sunday morning, but his fever just wouldn't go down. It was up to 104 sometimes. But today, Monday He is doing much better. We are just hoping that this illness doesn't spread to the other kids, espically little Jace. We put him in a little tent, made from our card table and a sheet. We put the humidifier in there, it really made a difference. Jaxon's Croup turned in to pnmonia (sp). He just wasn't getting better so we hat to take him in again, thinking he might have an ear infection, but it was pnmonia instead.
I hope you guys are feeling better!
Dusty had croup really bad, he almost died a few times. His mom would do the shower thing with all the steam and them take him out in the cold. She would do that a lot and that seemed to really help! Hope all you are better! We are praying for you.
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