Jace is off of his oxygen. He has had a rough week and a half. On valentines day, Jace had a little cough, so I took him into the doctor, before it got any worse, and turned into pnmonia (sp) She said, he was just fine, and give him a few breathing treatments. Well wednessday night he woke up around 1:00. I went in to feed him and he was gasping for air. I got soo scared and woke Jared up. Jace was white as a ghost and had blue around his mouth. We put him in his car seat and I sped to the Emergancy Room, disregarding all red lights. I got there and they checked his O2 level and it was at 76% They put oxygen on him right away and did all kinds of tests, chest X-rays, RSV, influenza tests, ect... I have never been to the ER and was helped so promptly. All the tests came back negative, but we were admitted to the hospital for 3 days. They gave him steriods and watched him. He never had a fever or anything. They let us come home friday afternoon. Saturday he was taking a nap next to Jared. He started breathing weird and Jared checked on him, he was having a seizer. Again I rushed him to the ER, not knowing what else to do. He was still having the seizer as I was driving. They did all kinds of tests again including a CAT scan. Everything came back fine. They think maybe his fever spiked and that will cause a seizer, but he has never had a fever the whole time he has been sick, it's kinda weird. But two weeks later, he is doing great, and he no longer needs oxygen!!!
It is amazing how the Lord watches out for us and blesses us when we live righteously. You two are great examples to us of what wonderful parents are. Thanks!
Oh man that really is an emotional post it brings back to many memories!! It makes me cry! I'm so glad Jace is doing good he is such a cutie!!!
All grandpa has to say is that we are truly a blessed family. Kenadee for one, Jared T for another, Jake for another. I could go on and on. But we are truly blessed. I am afraid I am becoming a little like Grandma Adah in that I am starting to worry A LOT! About my kids, and their loved ones (I am waiting to become as GOOD as she is) I went into see the Dr. the other day with chest pains and he said it was just to much stress. I have know idea where that stress comes from. I guess I just need more faith. Any way I am very proud of you Heidi You are a wonderful mother to those kids. You have been through a lot and have measured up very well! I am so proud of you and your family
Love your father in law
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