Jace is off of his oxygen. He has had a rough week and a half. On valentines day, Jace had a little cough, so I took him into the doctor, before it got any worse, and turned into pnmonia (sp) She said, he was just fine, and give him a few breathing treatments. Well wednessday night he woke up around 1:00. I went in to feed him and he was gasping for air. I got soo scared and woke Jared up. Jace was white as a ghost and had blue around his mouth. We put him in his car seat and I sped to the Emergancy Room, disregarding all red lights. I got there and they checked his O2 level and it was at 76% They put oxygen on him right away and did all kinds of tests, chest X-rays, RSV, influenza tests, ect... I have never been to the ER and was helped so promptly. All the tests came back negative, but we were admitted to the hospital for 3 days. They gave him steriods and watched him. He never had a fever or anything. They let us come home friday afternoon. Saturday he was taking a nap next to Jared. He started breathing weird and Jared checked on him, he was having a seizer. Again I rushed him to the ER, not knowing what else to do. He was still having the seizer as I was driving. They did all kinds of tests again including a CAT scan. Everything came back fine. They think maybe his fever spiked and that will cause a seizer, but he has never had a fever the whole time he has been sick, it's kinda weird. But two weeks later, he is doing great, and he no longer needs oxygen!!!