Jaxon found a bucket of water the other day! And so he took off all his clothes and jumped right in! I guess I need to take my kids swimming a little more often.
Haylee turned 6 on October 9th. I can't believe my oldest is already 6! Six just seems too old! Haylee had a wonderful Birthday! It was filled with fun, including the birthday crown her teacher gave her at school, to the dinner and farm/Goat cake, and presents and of corse the Pinata which is now our family tradition. Haylee and Grandpa Gary share the same Birthday!!! That just makes her birtday even more special!!
Haylee started Kindergarten this year! She love IT!!!!! She goes 4 days a week all day long. Which makes for long days, but it's really nice to have 3 day weekend every week! She still loves School, and she has been going for almost 2 months now. She has a wonderful teacher, who is doing a great job with the 12 kids in the kindergarten class. Haylee is learning so much. Jayden still has a hard time with her being gone. Come 4:00 he is ready for her to be home.
Jaxon turned 3 on September 20th! All he wanted was Superman! I even had to try to make superman cake. It didn't turn out real well, but he liked it and that was all that mattered. He had a GREAT birthday!