Well this is Sombra and her daughter. The kid doesn't have a name, she is too wild to name. Anyway, We got these two goats 2 weeks ago and they very well could be the coolest thing I have bought, EVER. We decided to get them because Jace is lactose intolerant and The milk we were going to start buying him costs 8 bucks a gallon. Not to mention he goes through a gallon every 2.5 days. So I saw an add in the newspaper and the lady was selling milk goats. Nubians. That is like a jersey in cow talk. They don't give as much as a "holstein" but their milk is rich and creamy like a jersesy's. The lady also had us go to her house and taste the milk so we could choose the goat that we thought would give the tastiest milk. So we did. Dad got one and so did we. The lady gave us the little ones to go with because they need company. We paid 250. Then I went to the store and bought 400 bucks worth of panels. I must say that for 650 dollars one can certainly buy a lot of milk. But I also must say that for 650 its pretty hard to have that much fun. I tell Heidi how cool I am to own an animal that will give me a drink whenever I want one. After milking cow she is a piece of cake. It takes me less that 5 minutes to milk her and we get about 3/4 gal per day. pretty cool huh? Everyone likes the milk except for one, Heidi. But I am thinking in a while she might come around. NOT!! Anyway if anyone would like to try some "goat's", as we call it, come on down. Oh yea, I told Heidi that the goat was the coolest thing I own next to her. Not funny!